हाल ही में 'धोनी-चयनकर्ता' प्रकरण सामने आया जिसमें धोनी ने कथित तौर पर अपनी पसंद की टीम (या खिलाड़ी) न चुने जाने पर कप्तानी से इस्तीफे की पेशकश की थी। हालाँकि धोनी और चयनकर्ताओं में से किसी ने भी इस बात का खंडन नहीं किया है परन्तु साफ़ जाहिर है की विषय में कुछ सच्चाई तो है ही।
चयन के समय कप्तान का इस प्रकार का आग्रह करना कोई नई बात नहीं है, क्योंकि कप्तान को चयन प्रक्रिया के दौरान अपना पक्ष रखने के लिए ही आमंत्रित किया जाता है।
धोनी देश को सकारात्मक परिणाम दे रहे हैं, अतः यह स्वाभाविक है की वो कुछ खिलाड़ियों को टीम में रखने के लिए आग्रह करें, परन्तु ये बात बहुत गंभीर और शर्मनाक है कि राष्ट्र की टीम चुन रहे नुमायिन्दों में से ही कोई है जिसने इस गोपनीय विषय को अनाधिकारिक तौर पर सार्वजनिक किया। इस गद्दारी से परिपूर्ण रवैय्ये की जितनी भी भर्त्सना की जाए उतनी कम है।
इस आचरण का हमारी टीम पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा यह तो समय ही बताएगा परन्तु इस तरह की गोपनीय बातों का सार्वजनिक होना खेल और खिलाड़ी दोनों के लिए शुभ नहीं है। गत वर्षों में ग्रेग चैप्पल के ई-मेल लीक होने का परिणाम हम गांगुली और चैप्पल के हश्र के रूप में देख भी चुके हैं और भुगत भी।
सभी धोनी के बयान को तूल दे रहे हैं...पर जिसने भी यह बात मीडिया तक पहुंचाई है उसको खोजने की बात कोई नहीं कर रहा।
क्या आपको नहीं लगता की बी.सी.सी.इ. के इस 'विभीषण' का पता लगाना अति आवश्यक है?
तो आईये दोस्तो, हम सब मिलकर इस 'विभीषण' को खोज निकालते हैं...
(English readers please...)
only few days back we heard this news of how dhoni allegedly offered to resign from the captaincy of team india after his argument and demand over non-selection of one player was not met...since both parties have not denied this incident which leads to suspicion that there is some truth in this news...
captains asking for certain player to be in team is nothing new...coz we all know he is asked to be there in the selection meeting to put forward his case...
dhoni is giving very good results so it is but natural for him if he demand certain players to be in team...but the real point is that it is one of the selector who has leaked this incident to media which is very serious as well as disgraceful at the same time...we must disgust this 'traitor' act as fervently as possible...
how this 'leak' will affect our team only time will tell...but this kinda leak is not good for game as well as players...only recently we have seen what that email leak saga between greg chapple and ganguly did to indian cricket and team...
almost everybody is highlighting this statement of dhoni, but no one is asking to find the person who has leaked this news to media...
don't you think that we must find this 'vibhishana' in BCCI?
so, friends, lets all join to find this 'vibhishana' together...
hmmm...i think it can turn out to be quite good hunting game...whom you suspect most kinka...?
This is the question PAN....Lets find together....
Any news on the BCCI pulling up the one who leaked it... can't be many in the suspect list.
they have just issued the 'strict' warning like last time...when GC's email leaked...
scorpy how we can do something about this...how to make noise against it?
Nothing new for Indian cricket :)...During early years of Chappell in 2005, similar leak happened and Ganguly's captaincy ended :)
i m sure it must be one of the BCCI's own men who dun it....
Som's comment at his blog, Doosra:
I heard, not sure though, that Yashpal Sharma let the cat out of the bag, even though I doubted Raja Venkat because he comes from east and the scoop appeared in ABP. I don't expect media to be responsible or doing anything other than what suits its need.
My guess is BCCI will know who it is - why don't they quietly remove him from the post -- perhaps transfer to him to something else for the time being? Even if they don't publicly name him, they can take action.
Sam & RS: Agree. it seems there is someone who is beloved/precious for BCCI and BCCI concealing it..
Dear Scorpicity,
BCCI is taking it very lightly. Only warning can't help.
you are right, offender was not outsider. he can be pulled out very esily..
there is not an iota of doubt that there was no outsider involved...
he must be smoked out so that it will be lessons for other...
yaa G...i saw that...he must have got some inside info otherwise he would not have said it...
this is prefect case of judge being the offender... :)
what does your post say, sorry my hindi is not so good these days :P
ok well no one told me to click the translation link which i did.
i think dhoni is quite within his rights to be pissed off. clearly there seems to be someone who wants to give dhoni a bad name.
who could that be? who doesnt like dhoni ?
there is still some one who does not like dhoni?? now thats a million dollar Question DS...
the onus is us to smoke him out :)
Dear Damith-thanks.
you are right. but who leaks the secrets, must be recognised and then punished.
किंकाज़ी, सब से अचरज की बात यह है की एम.एस. धोनी और चीका जैसे संवेदनशील वतक्तियों के बीच में इस्तीफ़े की बात कहाँ से आई?
ऐसी बातें हम जैसे सरफिरे किया करतें हैं | माही से यह उम्मीद ना थी | इसलिए सोचने पर मजबूर होतें हैं के ऐसे क्या बात रही होगी, कैसी महॉल रहा होगा, की चीका और धोनी जैसे वसकतियों के बीच में आन-बन हो गयी?
कथित रूप से धोनी ने केवल यह कहा था...
"सर कप्तानी भी देते हो और बात भी नहीं सुनते...तो कप्तानी का क्या फायदा..."
क्या हम इसे धमकी मान सकते हैं? मैं तो नहीं...
इस प्रकरण से एक बात और साफ़ होती है के कैसे अपना मकसद पूरा करने के लिए बातों को तोड़-मरोड़ के परोसा जाता है. उम्मीद है कि धोनी इस प्रकरण से कुछ सीख लेंगे और आगे के लिए सावधान हो जायेंगे...
i think the leak enhanced dhoni's reputation (both in our eyes and that of the players), and also put the selectors on notice against arbitrary changes. so, even if the intention was to cause mischief, the result was the opposite.
that's another angle to look into sumit...
definitely...players will feel that they are safe with captain like dhoni who can and even willing to put his 'cap' off for them...
प्रिय सॉल्वेरी,
आपकी बात में दम है. माही को इस्तीफ़े की बात नही करनी चाहिए थी, सही बात है. पर फिर भी हमें ये बात दिमाग़ में लानी होगी की कोई बात हो माही को बुरी लगी होगी..जिसने उससे सबकुछ दाँव पर लगा देने वाली बात निकलवा दी
परंतु मीटिंग के मूल तथ्य से पहले उस खबर का आना जिसकी आवश्यकता ही नही थी..ये नाटकीय लगा....निकट भविष्य में ये हरकत का
प्रभाव माही पर पद सकता है..इससे पहले 'उसे' ढूँढ निकालना होगा.
pan... the mainstream media will make enough of it... this is hot for them.
It however shows that the media pays these inside guys a lot of money.
the lucrative offers were always there and wont vanish in future as well...it will be interesting to see how low they can stoop to...for money or lack of it...
I have said it in some other blog. I feel its all a cooked up story or a conspiracy against MSD. I guess its not RP he wanted to retain. Guess his frustration must have been the inclusion of SRT. And BCCI just thought of teachin him a lesson.
yes, to me also it looks there is conspiracy against MSD...
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