just one defeat...

shared by straight point on Saturday, February 07, 2009

...and the captain who was ordered to cool his heels against his wish...is now been sent sos call to arrest the slump of sinking ship...

goes to show that its not only their team who has lost its nuts...and what it tells of CA's confidence in its players and captain-in-waiting clarke the pup...?

we don't think that you are capable of winning from team the defeat against which looked so 'unthinkable'...

i have been saying this that when you are winning even tom, dick and harry can talk at length about system in place...blah blah...its what you do under pressure you get judged with...

CA is acting in a manner that not only sending panic signal to its own players but to the team they are playing against...

now if, say even punter's presence fails to register series win...

what they will do? call...


Soulberry said...

Australian cricket is a confused morass at the moment. They find squishy 30-plusses everywhere and can't find one talented young nutter who can take it back to the opposition.

If you encourage stale beer bodies for ages playing Pura Cup or Ranger Cup or the like, the lithe will fly...maybe play elsewhere or find a trade.

straight point said...

very well said SB!

the stale beer bodies getting exposed under pressure... :)

Ankit Poddar said...


yes, the time you start losing, all swords are out, there is no new age cricket and players' age comes into focus!

and yeah, now they may call chris cairns' mum!

straight point said...

there is no new age cricket and players' age comes into focus!

very well said ankit...and you bet they will call even tom dick and harry's mom too...

about me...

BCC!straight point (sp) is restless... relentless... but a fun loving guy... likes to live life to fullest... trying to discover himself through cricket... welcome to this little world of his...

sp is also a bored member at BCC!

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