playing for pride...

shared by straight point on Friday, January 02, 2009

badly bruised and hurt oz will be playing for pride in sydney...

this is what this blogger said...on 26th november 2007...

OZ Captain: we are playing for pride...



Soulberry said...

What is playing for pride?

I was under the impression that no such thing was recognized by the champions of cricket.

Anonymous said...

they would play for pride, bounce back and trump Safs 4 tests in row :)

Rob said...

More likely they are playing for their place in the side

Gaurav Sethi said...

rmbr, ricky's not a very imaginative captain. sounds like kp.

Kinka said...

They have to play for stay in row now

straight point said...

i think you said 'champions' SB ;-))

straight point said...

the way they going at the moment even oz fan wont be thinking about it sam :)

straight point said...

bingo rob! who cares bout team...

straight point said...

its not ricky's statement G...

straight point said...

exactly unusual to them...

about me...

BCC!straight point (sp) is restless... relentless... but a fun loving guy... likes to live life to fullest... trying to discover himself through cricket... welcome to this little world of his...

sp is also a bored member at BCC!

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