did i miss something...?

shared by straight point on Sunday, January 25, 2009

why butt didn't opened yesterday? was he out of field for a while so he could not open the innings yesterday?

or it was one of those stupid move...of hoping against hope...?

otherwise what can explain doing away with opening partnership that in just one match before final match provided century partnership...with butt scoring century in that match...

must say some times the strategies pak comes up with are as unpredictable as the form they show on field...

Update (27.01.09):
it looks like i did miss something...butt didn't open coz he was out of field for a while late in sri lankan innings...smarting from this blip on my part...i will be more careful next time...

1 comment:

straight point said...

NC...even one can understand mahela coming down coz he is not in best of form of late...but sending batsman to open when he isnt even scoring that too for a guy who has scored a century just the previous innings...?!!!

bizarre move i would say...

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BCC!straight point (sp) is restless... relentless... but a fun loving guy... likes to live life to fullest... trying to discover himself through cricket... welcome to this little world of his...

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