Confessions of regretful minds...

shared by straight point on Monday, May 05, 2008

We have finally succeeded in getting confessional statement from Cricket Australia which goes like this...

To all cricket fans around world...

we finally admit that we were stupid, plain dumb and devoid of any thing which can be associated with wisdom when we decided to not offer captaincy to Shane Warne.

For rest of our lives we will never be able to find answer of the fact that whether it was our greatest loss or the cricket fans all over world...

if you think, like this blogger, that this should really be the statement from cricket australia...please sign up here as token of respect to Shane Warne...the captain...

those rares who don't agree yet can visit uncle's post at cricket with ball and then can comeback and sign here...

i will make it sure that Uncle of Cricket with Balls (famed for running petitions...) will drop this signage to Cricket Australia's office...


Anonymous said...

Let me have the honour of signing it first.

straight point said...

you are honored som ;-))

Q said...

Signed and stamped!

Anonymous said...


straight point said...

Q & TRI :)

Anonymous said...

Warne captain or not, they still didn't lose much... so don't know if it would make much difference.

straight point said...

More than fair point Scorpy!!

what about flair?

Soulberry said...

SP, Warney was captain-designate and there were good reasons why he wasn't elevated. I am not against CA's action in this regard and would have urged BCCI to do the same with it's own captain-designate in such a situation.

However, time is a healer and humans tend to forget and forgive and move that spirit, I have other plans for Warney!

straight point said...


i know where are you coming from...but think of it...had they gone ahead with warney as captain the added responsibility would have calmed bit naughty side of his...

when he needed his board and country to stand by him for all his services they had doubts...

he wanted the job...and denial of the same made him bit of what i think...

Anonymous said...

hi SP
aus were on top almost until shane was with them....any way, he should be given chance to lead aus...chop

Anonymous said...

hi SP (read it again pl)
aus were on top almost until shane was with them....any way, he should h'been given chance to lead aus...chop

straight point said...

though they are still no. 1 but i will take it...thanks SA!!

Gaurav Sethi said...

With Warne as captain, McGill would've played even fewer tests, if any. Would've missed seeing his first ball ducks if nothing else.

straight point said...

aka bombay duck... ;-)
nice one NC!!

about me...

BCC!straight point (sp) is restless... relentless... but a fun loving guy... likes to live life to fullest... trying to discover himself through cricket... welcome to this little world of his...

sp is also a bored member at BCC!

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