We are the POWER!!

shared by straight point on Saturday, April 19, 2008

to hell with modesty...

if last night was not the eye opener to the rest of world...then i am afraid what will be...

the future is here...

and we are the future...we are the power...

not ICC...

and certainly not BCCI...as many believe...

its WE, the fans, i am talking about...

WE will decide IPL future...WE will decide the millions of dollars that are invested in it are worth it...

WE will make people like Mukesh Ambani...Vijay Mallaya...SRK...BCCI & Co...look like stupid...or genius who saw the future of cricket...

so guys get ready to be spoiled...most sought after but difficult to please breed...

...coz with the start of IPL...WE HAVE GOT THE POWER...WE will decide the fate of stars...so demand nothing but the best...and make it sure they provide just that...don't get easily satisfied...

as i said to hell with modesty...

and OUR first wish is...DO NOT SHORTEN THE BOUNDARY...

let the boundary of a ground remain as it is...


Trideep said...

Agree with you SP. Finally its We the People who decide whats gonna run and whats gonna flop..

straight point said...

thanks TRI...

so you are in?

wildkiwi23 said...

Hey there,
Just want to say thanks heaps for linking back to my site! Have a link of yours on there and Ihope youget many happy visitors to your site from mine :)

And I think that the IPL is one of the best things to hit the game of cricket!

www.whoplayscricket.com (also known as http://whoplayscricket.blogspot.com)

straight point said...

thanks wildkiwi...and same to you...

how can anyone refuse a man with fbi printed on shirt ;-))

Som said...

I must admit I did not think that way but yes, IPL is indeed empowerment of the fans. We'll make or break fortunes. SRKs, Ambanis, Mallyas -- all at our mercy. This is what it should be. Cricket is more about players and fans -- sponsors and administrators are just the facilitators, no less, no more.

straight point said...

exactly som, they are at our mercy...they will have to give us best or they know where to go..

Anonymous said...

They booed Pawar.... that was so cool.

Aashrey said...

Good point..

I'm anyway tired of all these journalists who can't stop complaining about IPL or India's power.

Trideep said...

U bet i am in SP... When the power is with us instead of those babus.. everyones in...

Gaurav Sethi said...

how do you make the boundary at the kotla longer

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

yeah. its the fans who will decide. I love the IPL. The only problem which may arise is the one of monotony.

Q said...

Sure its the empowerment of us fans, but I love it already!

Its the best thing to happen to cricket I think. I hope ODI cricket is murdered and test nations start playing 5-test series again.

Trideep said...

But the point still to be considered is whether this format changes the way tests and ODI's are played. 438 is the highest that has been scored in an ODI. So the day is not far off when the teams start scoring 500-550. The way the batsmen are performing in IPL the above said possibility is not a distant dream. Moreover what happens to the test. Will they last all the 5 days (Kanpur or not).

Jrod said...

It needs more death.

straight point said...


yea...one must have seen the impression on his face...

straight point said...


its jst the case of sour grapes...they are feeling embraced that how this money spinner idead escaped their brains!

straight point said...

in that case, NC anything that goes in crowd is four and out of stadia is six ;)) what say?

straight point said...


welcome here and thanks for comments...

you bet we have insatiable appetite for cricket...

straight point said...


good point!

how i want to see 5 test series...between competitive teams i.e....

straight point said...


mark my words...

T20 is actually bowler's revenge from batsmen...

they will carry this bang-bang attitude into test...and there they will be exposed...

straight point said...


come again??

Trideep said...


Ont the other hand i think its the batsmens revenge on bowlers for terrifying them on uncovered pitches for a long long time. Infact the start of ODI's, T20's.. everything leads to that.

straight point said...


any which way you look at it...its like giving batters the sugar poison if mindless hits and once they will be accustomed they will pull the plug...

Trideep said...


Thats my concern. The way the batters are playing, they will carry the same way in both tests and ODI's. Its not about the bowlers revenge. Whats more important is the effect its gonna have on Test matches.

about me...

BCC!straight point (sp) is restless... relentless... but a fun loving guy... likes to live life to fullest... trying to discover himself through cricket... welcome to this little world of his...

sp is also a bored member at BCC!

sp tweets


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